Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Love is Life

A friend and I were talking the other day....about how Jesus hung out with the sinners. Not just the 'nice' ones...but the ones that other people avoided. When we are faced with that opportunity...do we scurry aside because we're too busy with "God things" as the first 2 people in the Good Samaritan story...or because we don't wanna be associated with them...or will we sit with them as Jesus did? A very thought-provoking question. I heard a song today, "You Are on Our Side" by Bethany Dillon. And the things God spoke to me through that song, wrecked me. How many times am I busy with things, or avoiding others...but it's because my priorities are messed up? I mean, how many things that we're busy with now will burn up in the end? I mean, think about it. Well...for me anyways, it's true. The goals I have, things I "need" to get done - like catchin up on processing something like 500 pictures, or writing, or music, or making paintings, etc. There's all these projects I start for myself, which are good in the beginning, but can tend to be too much. Is not our main existence in life to know God, and the second, to love people? Last night, I was studying 1 John 1 & 2 with some friends. Take a look at 2:7-11. Basically, John is saying, "You need to love - just as Jesus loved others, so should you be loving others. If someone claims that they're living in the light, but hates another, that person is still living in darkness. Anyone who loves as Jesus loved is living in the light and doesn't cause others to stumble." I mean, "whoa! That's some pretty powerful stuff. Life is all about Love. And Love is life. (what is love? look up 1 Corinthians 13)
Somewhere in the process of the last couple months, I've let my priorities become messed up. And tonight, God showed me how. He has shown it to me, and won't just abandon me on this steep road to fend for myself and figure it out on my own....no, He's right here with me, leading me onto His path again, holding my hand and whispering encouraging words in my ear. Through Him, I'll be walkin' His path again..not mine. And I pray the same for you...if you find that you've wandered off His path....that you'll hear His voice in your ear - leading you back to His path....which leads to life, and brings light to others around you. Be blessed as you pursue His beautiful face!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

$100 and a Roadtrip to California

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that God was asking you to do something, but it seemed completely ludicrous...there was no possible way that it should happen? Well...that was my situation a month ago. I had $100 and I felt that God was leading me to go to California. Now, does that not seem like pure craziness to you? It sure did to me!! I mean, I could buy a cheap winter coat or an expensive pair of jeans....or go on a roadtrip to California?!? This just didn't add up to me. I, for the longest time tried to convince God that I needed to fly to California..I mean, that'd just be more cost-efficient, no? Maybe He should lead me to go to the airport and then someone would give me a ticket! Or better yet, I'd just be translated there! But, “No” God had said. “Roadtrip.” Now, that word is another thing I had a problem with, and I wasn't particularly fond of it. Every other roadtrip I'd taken, the driving had been the worst part. But, I think God wanted me to actually enjoy the journey this time...as one Harley Davidson slogan goes “It's not about the destination, it's the journey”...well, that was sorta true in this case. California is quite a good destination! So...you may now be asking, “What's in California?” There was a reunion from all the Harvest/Holy Given Schools, being held in conjunction with a conference. Though I was going for that, I think of greater importance were the friends that I was able to visit, and the people I met along the way. (not to mention the ways that I was grown in my journey.)
I knew I had heard God, and He had spoken to me more than once about trusting Him...and not being afraid to step out. So, I stepped into my car and began my adventure south..fueled by faith and hence, what felt like pure foolishness. I questioned, for the first 5 hours of my drive, whether I was completely crazy or whether I really had heard God. (Sometimes, I think that both can appear the same to the natural eye - and mind!) But after those first grueling hours, God spoke really clearly to me, that I was right where He wanted me to be, and this is where He wanted me to go. So, after that moment, it was pure faith that kept me movin'.
The roadtrip ended up being fun...I quite enjoyed the scenery, and had alot of amazing times with God. And He provided, like He promised He would....whether it was my gas lasting longer than it should've, people giving to me as they felt led, or 'random' circumstances that opened doors. There were lots of supernatural experiences which would be considered impossible in human efforts. A ring – which was given to me by a close friend - got lost along the way, and God miraculously gave it back to me. Alot of personal growth happened, once again, on this trip. I'm beginning to see how growth is something that will continue to happen (at least, I pray so) for the remainder of my time here on earth. God brings up issues, wounds, or weaknesses that He wants to remove, heal, or strengthen in us. And when we surrender to Him, and allow Him to do so, we are grown. Sure, the process is often painful and even sometimes downright ugly....but one comforting thought for me is that I'm being refined like gold....how the dross is brought to the surface so it can be removed to create a pure gold. Or like silver....as the blacksmith will heat it up in the fire until he can see His reflection in the precious medal, so our Lord allows the testings of this life to purify us till He sees His reflection in our lives. The process is so painful, no? But ooooh, so worth it! He is worth every growing pain along the way!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The REST is up to Him

It's been almost a year since I've brought you up to date on the happenings in my life. I will try to sum up the last year in a few paragraphs, I've got a lot of stories and things I could share...I mean, a year IS a long time. But I'll try to keep it [relatively]short for your sakes. Well...here it goes....enjoy!
In Spring 2009, I went to Mozambique on a short 2-week missions trip. A mere 2 or 3 weeks after returning home, I felt a strong tugging on my heart to visit Africa again. I wasn't yet done in that beautiful country. I had only traveled to one other country besides Africa....but still, I wanted to travel. Initially, it may have looked like I'd been bitten by the travel bug....but I knew that it was something more. God was pulling me to travel. I had once thought that I would do a couple short-term missions trips and “tout fini” I would not need to travel anymore!! I would have tasted life in other countries, and I could just settle to life as 'normal' here in Canada. Maybe get a degree as a teacher, or nurse...or maybe...an artist? Then, buy a house on an acreage...better yet, a farm. Get myself some animals...horses, chickens, cows, sheep...etc. Build a nice red barn, and begin my dream of living in the country. (or better yet, just marry a farmer...and begin my life as a farmer's wife. A baby on my hip and a hoe in my hand. Dogs, kittens, horses, cows, chickens and children surrounding me as I go about the daily life of a hard-working country woman.) But it seemed that God had other plans for me. Instead of my trip to Africa quenching the desire to travel, it stirred something in me. There's more to life than I had once thought. And now I longed to go back. Why? I didn't exactly know. Eventually, it was clear that God was asking me to go to Iris Ministries' “Harvest School”....a 3-month missionary training school that focuses on God...knowing Him, going lower-still, and stopping for the one. “Why would I wanna go to this school?”, I asked God. “I'm not interested in long-term missions. I don't even think I'm called overseas. I'm done with missions, aren't I?” “I've been there...done that. Now I can settle to my nice, quiet life here.” But all I could hear Him saying was, “You'll see. Just trust Me.” I relented, “Well...okay. I know whatever Your plans are...they're good. I don't see how this is part of the calling you have for me...but I trust You.” And so started the adventure that has been the last year.

I went to the Harvest School in the Fall of that year...and was completely undone. I was in the Mozambican dirt, surrounded by 80 other students who were hungry for God...had a passion to love....and were willing to lay down their life to do His will. Speakers from around the world came and taught us...revealing to us the heart of the Father, and even practical things that will help you for life on the mission field. They said how, really, all God's children are missionaries....we are all ambassadors...representing Him to the world. Whether that's to the customers we serve at Wal-Mart...our fellow business executives....or to that orphan living on the streets of Calcutta. We had many opportunities to serve the locals....just a few were: helping replace roofs in a nearby village, assist in feeding lunch to the 700+ village children, praying for the sick at the hospital, learning the language from the natives....even if that meant sitting on their dirt 'porch' and letting them be your teacher, and even just loving on the children...holding the babies or playing “football” (soccer) with the children. Alongside this, everyone went on outreaches to the bush-bush tribes in Mozambique and other countries around the world(a lot of them unreached) praying for the sick, seeing them healed, and telling them about what Jesus did for them. On these outreaches, we saw God at work....whether it was the blind, deaf, or cripple person completely healed before your eyes, or food multiplying. God is moving...and not just in Africa...around the world! As His children....royalty...and according to the Bible...the supernatural (God moving...people being healed, restored, and set free) should be completely natural. It's what we were created for.
During this time, God took me deeper in Him....and showed me His heart. And He asked me to lay everything down for Him. He also did a lot of inner healing. Freeing me from the fears that had restrained me...held me down. And I felt so light..so free...like a feather! And I started hearing His heartbeat...and wanted to travel more. I wanted to do missions! I wanted to run to the lost and broken around the world. And point them to God. That they would experience His love and grace. And be set free. But, instead of being called to some far away land, God told me first to go back home. I needed to work on relationships with my family. And He wanted me to be His love to the youth and children of Canada. At first, I didn't wanna. I didn't wanna go back home. I wanted to go on an adventure! But...just like in Acts 1:8. He wanted me to start in my Jerusalem. God did a work in me, and He wanted me to go home...where it can be the hardest to live out the changes that He's done. Our family and friends, can, with the best of intentions, create a mold that we've always fit in. And when God rearranges our furniture, so to speak, we can't fit into that mold anymore. And this creates friction in our relationships. For me...I had to make a choice. How would I walk? Would I go back to my old self? Or would I live in the new freedom that God gave me? And how would I do it in Love? It took some time and a lot of struggles to learn what this walk looked like. I messed up many a time....fell flat on my face a few times...and often hurt others in the process. But I trust that through it all, I was able to help some people, encourage others, but most of all, that the Love of God brought hope and healing along the way...even in the biggest of my mistakes. And this, I think, is a part of life. As we walk along the path God's told us to walk in, we sometimes trip and fall face-down in a mud puddle...but it's when God picks us up, brushes off the dirt, kisses our “owies”, and helps us start walking again that we encounter the grace of God. Suddenly it's not just a nice word....but a deep revelation of the depths of God's Love and mercy for us...straight from His heart.

So...what exactly have I been doing since I got back home from Harvest School? The focus of my time has been God. Learning to trust in Him...to rest in Him. To hear His heartbeat. I have been spending hours in God's presence, seeking His face and learning from Him. In this time, God has brought more healing, and I have experienced His presence like never before. I am in a time of preparation....like the athletes are put through a time of preparation before running the race. Well...in this case, God has been preparing me for what's ahead. And soon, I will be running. He promised in Isaiah 40:31 “They who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.” That 'wait' in Hebrew is “qavah”...which means “to bind together (as with strands of a rope) twisted up, wrapped in...to expect, look, patiently, wait (for, on, upon)” That's one packed word! So...it's not just siting in the cold, listless state of unknowing, being all alone...but sitting with Love and allowing myself to be wrapped up in, and bound together in His warm embrace. Letting His presence saturate me. And His perspective starts infusing mine...till it overtakes me....His color, life, and joy fill my life. And really, what is more important than Him? Is there anything in this life more worthy of my time?

In this time, I've been able to grow in my relationships with my family, and have also been spending time with a few youth in my area. God is transforming the way I see others..He's infusing me with His Love. He's asked me to lay everything down. To lose my selfish ambition. (Luke 9:23-24 Romans 6:6) That was crucified with Him on the cross 2,000 years ago....so why would I wanna try to hang on to it? I am seeing differently...even if it's only one speck at a time. My vision is being transformed.

Do I have a plan for the future? A time line of events and plans? No. Am I going to go to school again, perhaps college or university? Or dive headlong into a full-time career? This I don't yet know. But what I do know is that God has told me to Qavah on Him. I trust that He will show me the way. And with child-like faith...I will Qavah Him. =)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oh...that I may know Christ!!

I am convinced that God longs for us to cry out for Him to come...that we're so IN LOVE with Him that we desire for the heavens to be opened...and that we desire His return. Where is the generation that will say, “Come Lord Jesus...NOW!! Not after I grow up, or after I expereince relationships, or after I get married, or after I have children, or grandchildren, or get a bigger house, or go here or there....NOW! I don't want what my flesh wants..I WANT YOU!!” Who will be the generation to say that?
Oh God!!! I long to long for You! To be so madly in LOVE with You that I am willing to go through anything, that Your will would be done. That I wouldn't care about the cost. But my passion and love for You would be so great that my gaze is set on you, like dove's eyes, and only want YOU!! That I would be so laid-down....that I would say..COME!! COME NOW!! It seems every generation comes along and says, “Oh Jesus...we want You to come....well, after I do this or that....” And then once they get to be a senior, and they've done 'this and that' (and then some)...they realize it's not everything they thought it would be....and then they cry out for His return. Why? Am I gonna settle to do what I want first and then ask for God's will to be done? Or am I gonna be willing to lay down my desires, my wishes and goals, and say, “Lord..not as I will, but as You will. Let it be done unto me, your servant, according to YOUR WILL.” Can I put my selfishness at His feet and instead crave His will? Yes...but in His strength. For it's not in myself, but IN HIM!
I truly believe that the generation that comes to this realization (of how God longs for us to crave His plans so much that our selfish desires have no room to breathe) will reap a great reward. Sure, they may not experience as much as they would have liked to here on earth. But really, we are gonna have SOOOO much better stuff in Heaven. It's such a lie of the enemy that we're missing out if we don't experience some of the tantalizing things here on earth...good things that God created...But they can be a distraction if we allow ourselves to focus on them instead of on HIM. If we are willing to lay EVERYTHING down, I believe that God will reveal to us mysteries of His kingdom...and a door will be opened to us because of our selfless-ness. We will receive a rich reward in eternity. Really, if we could only grasp this concept! Oh! How different we would live our lives!!! Ooooh! I SOOO desire that our eyes would be opened to God's heart! GOD!!! Open our eyes that we may see...mature us that we could be entrusted with the glorious riches of eternity..the mysteries of Your heart!!! Put YOUR passion in us! Plant in us the desire to KNOW You!!! To just sit at Your feet and gaze upon You!!!!!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

I Will Trust You!!

It seems like I've been in a 'night season' for something like 7 years. And I really just wanna see the break of dawn. After Harvest School, I thought I would be seeing the rays of early morning in my life...but instead, I've plunged deeper into tests, trials, and 'opportunities' to build character....to the point of making me weary at times. I've asked God "Why?" so many times, and He's told me that He's preparing me for what's coming. Right now, He's giving me opportunity for my roots to grow deep down in Him so that when I am walking in what's ahead, I will be firmly planted in Him....unmovable and unshakable. He's also solidifying what He taught me in Pemba, and His Word that was spoken....I learned it..and now it's time for me to walk it out in everyday life. I imagine it like pottery. He's molded me, but now, I'm in the flame of testing - being made strong (and yet broken at the same time) for His use. I believe just like David's character was tested in the court of Saul, after he'd already been anointed as King....so most of us are being tested right now - after our amazing God-time at Harvest School. But be encouraged! God gave you promises for a reason!! He's said that whatever words He sent out will not return to Him until they've accomplished what He sent them out to do! Hold fast to the promises God gave you!! And yet, be willing to lay your everything at your Lover's feet and just rest in Him. Even though this time is hard, just trust Him. He will carry you.
This has been a huge revelation for me these past couple months. Sure....the night season is really seeming to drag on....but I know that morning is coming!! So even though I can't see where I'm going at times....I wanna simply lean into God and just let Him carry me, as He promised He would do.

It was from this place that this song was birthed:

You are being purified as gold and are gonna come out as sparkling diamonds!!!!!
Keep resting in Him!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Skiing in Lake Louise, Alberta

So my brother, his friend, and I went skiing with my Aunt and Uncle in Lake Louise this past February. Even though it had been almost 2 years since I'd been on my skis, it didn't take long to pick up where I'd left off. I had quite a fun time flying down the mountain side on two skinny pieces of fiberglass. It's crazy the things we do to have 'fun'. There were no disastrous 'yard sails' (basically, a bad fall...where you sail in the air for yards before you land), crashes, or life-changing injuries. I do believe, however, that my brother, friend, and a few others actually broke a personal speed record. Their previous record was 107 Kilometers. I won't say just how fast the new record is, but I can say that if they were doing that speed in a vehicle, it would be considered speeding according to Alberta laws. I find it completely crazy that a person can gain such a high speed with their feet strapped to 2 fiberglass boards and stay upright. (well, okay, one guy did fall while going 90 kilos....but at least he didn't get hurt too bad.....ski poles were really the ones to blame...if only they wouldn't have been in his way....) Having thus said...overall, it was a good ski trip...one filled with lots of fun, laughter, and.....snow. =)
I decided to attempt video recording us going down a couple of our favorite green runs. I don't suppose this was the safest idea, as I was holding my camera in one hand and 2 ski poles and glove in the other. But hey, I stayed vertical the whole time, though I did have to go a bit slower than normal to accommodate the unique circumstances. I edited these videos and posted them...just for fun.
Strap up your skis as you prepare to fly down the slops of Lake Louise!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010


I am sitting here in the desert...with the blazing hot sun beating down on me. My mouth is parched...I have tasted the water once, a long time ago...and now I am only left with memories of the sweet, blissful liquid passing over my tongue. As I look around for something to quench my thirst, I only find dry, parched sand...also too wanting to swallow up any remnant of moisture. I look up to the sky, as tears form in my eyes...the longing in me to once again taste the living water consumes me...why did I come to the desert? What made me think that I could do it on my own? The impossibility of turning this wasteland into an oasis is daunting. And how could I think that would be possible by just bringing a cup of water from the River? My obvious failure stares me in the face as the wind thrusts tiny grains of sand against my face. I hadn't been here but a month and I had already consumed the cup of water...and now I am worse than when I first came. I glance at my cup. It is simply made from clay and therefore quite despised by some. But I like it...somehow, it almost seems like it is a part of me. I used this object to drink from the River. Fond memories of that season fill my mind....I long to be there again, by the River, wading on it's banks with My Love; having fun playing on the shore. My Love. Most certainly He'll help me! Maybe if I find Him, He'll fill my cup again. Oh, I'll do anything to just have some of that water! I will try to listen to Him....perhaps then I'll know where to find Him. I quiet my thoughts and listen for my Love's voice. Oh! I hear Him....I hear Him calling my name! He is telling me to come to Him!! I somehow manage to stand up – amidst my weakness – and stumble towards His voice. It leads me away from this dry desert land. As I continue towards the sound of His voice, the weight of my cup causes me to once again remember the sweet memories of water. I wonder if He'll scold me for trying to change this wasteland by myself? For trying to do it without Him. His voice leads me to a waterfall....but I don't see Him anywhere. I have never seen such a massive waterfall before! How could I have not seen this before? Why would He lead me here? I wonder where He is? Oh! I can hear His voice..it's calling to me from behind the wall of water. As I timidly inch my way towards the waterfall, my grasp tightens around my cup. When I finally arrive at the base of the waterfall, I haltingly extend my cup towards the voice of my Love. I hope He will fill it. I hope he will still love me. I clench my eyes shut as I brace myself for the worst. Suddenly, I hear His voice whisper right in my ear, “It's all for you.” His voice makes me jump. In my moments of contemplation, He must have walked beside me. He is so close to me, His breath tickles my ear. Waves of peace wash over me as He says, “I love you, and I always will.” As He walks towards the cascading water, He beckons me to come with Him. I look at Him questioningly and point towards my cup. He bursts out laughing – the most joyous laugh I have ever heard – and says with a smile, “My darling, you don't need that anymore....this is all for you!” The understanding of what He just said, fills my heart with joy. In my excitement, I drop my cup and race towards my Love. The water splashes all around me as I joyfully bounce towards Him. He takes my hand and leads me right into the stream of water. As I throw my head back and drink deeply of the clear, pure water, I am invigorated with it's freshness. My Love is watching me with the most adoring look I have ever seen. As the water pounds on my head and cascades down my whole body, I burst out laughing. Why did I ever doubt His love? Why did I ever doubt that He would give me more than I could dream of? He is so good! He is the epitome of love. He is love. As our eyes meet, a mischievous grin spreads across His face and He takes my hand and starts dancing. We spin and twirl, leap and laugh. After what must have been hours of this, we sat down on a boulder and I just enjoyed snuggling next to Him. He pointed to the base of the waterfall and said, “Look over there, my darling. See the rainbow? That is a sign of my love for you. I will always provide for you, I will always fill you. I long for us to have this much fun every day.” I stare at the rainbow, with it's majestic colors sparkling. “If you try to do things on your own, you will fail. But together, we will bring my love, my River to the desert places. It's gonna be done by you resting in Me, letting yourself by held by Me – just like you're doing right now.” I am filled with the knowledge of just how much He loves me. I am His. He will provide for me. He will change the desert. I don't have to try to make something happen, all I've gotta do is let myself be held in His embrace. And that is the sweetest place!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Icy Roads and Snowflakes

The last couple weeks, we've had relatively warm temperatures here in Canada (for our winter) but the past few days, temperatures have dropped by 10 or 20 degrees (Celsius) and therefore we've had a bit of fog due to the sudden change in temperature...this caused hoarfrost to develop on the trees and any other free-standing object. The sight of this is absolutely stunning...and makes me so thankful that I get the privilege of seeing the beauty in God's creation.

We had freezing rain last night, making the roads quite icy...but even so, I decided to visit some friends that live an hour's drive away. As I was driving home this evening, the clouds slowly disappeared, revealing a very bright moon. It illuminated the snowy landscape around me, and made the icy road appear as brilliant as glass. The stars sparkled overhead, and the brilliance of the moon caused a bubbly feeling to well within me. Later in the drive, it became cloudy again, and tiny snowflakes gently began to fall down...they created a thin white layer on the road....making it appear from a distance like a fine dusting of icing sugar...but from up close, each little snowflake sparkled like tiny diamonds in my headlights.....the sight really brought joy to my heart, and I couldn't help but gaze into Love's eyes and thank Him for His wonderful creation.