Friday, February 12, 2010


I am sitting here in the desert...with the blazing hot sun beating down on me. My mouth is parched...I have tasted the water once, a long time ago...and now I am only left with memories of the sweet, blissful liquid passing over my tongue. As I look around for something to quench my thirst, I only find dry, parched sand...also too wanting to swallow up any remnant of moisture. I look up to the sky, as tears form in my eyes...the longing in me to once again taste the living water consumes me...why did I come to the desert? What made me think that I could do it on my own? The impossibility of turning this wasteland into an oasis is daunting. And how could I think that would be possible by just bringing a cup of water from the River? My obvious failure stares me in the face as the wind thrusts tiny grains of sand against my face. I hadn't been here but a month and I had already consumed the cup of water...and now I am worse than when I first came. I glance at my cup. It is simply made from clay and therefore quite despised by some. But I like it...somehow, it almost seems like it is a part of me. I used this object to drink from the River. Fond memories of that season fill my mind....I long to be there again, by the River, wading on it's banks with My Love; having fun playing on the shore. My Love. Most certainly He'll help me! Maybe if I find Him, He'll fill my cup again. Oh, I'll do anything to just have some of that water! I will try to listen to Him....perhaps then I'll know where to find Him. I quiet my thoughts and listen for my Love's voice. Oh! I hear Him....I hear Him calling my name! He is telling me to come to Him!! I somehow manage to stand up – amidst my weakness – and stumble towards His voice. It leads me away from this dry desert land. As I continue towards the sound of His voice, the weight of my cup causes me to once again remember the sweet memories of water. I wonder if He'll scold me for trying to change this wasteland by myself? For trying to do it without Him. His voice leads me to a waterfall....but I don't see Him anywhere. I have never seen such a massive waterfall before! How could I have not seen this before? Why would He lead me here? I wonder where He is? Oh! I can hear His's calling to me from behind the wall of water. As I timidly inch my way towards the waterfall, my grasp tightens around my cup. When I finally arrive at the base of the waterfall, I haltingly extend my cup towards the voice of my Love. I hope He will fill it. I hope he will still love me. I clench my eyes shut as I brace myself for the worst. Suddenly, I hear His voice whisper right in my ear, “It's all for you.” His voice makes me jump. In my moments of contemplation, He must have walked beside me. He is so close to me, His breath tickles my ear. Waves of peace wash over me as He says, “I love you, and I always will.” As He walks towards the cascading water, He beckons me to come with Him. I look at Him questioningly and point towards my cup. He bursts out laughing – the most joyous laugh I have ever heard – and says with a smile, “My darling, you don't need that anymore....this is all for you!” The understanding of what He just said, fills my heart with joy. In my excitement, I drop my cup and race towards my Love. The water splashes all around me as I joyfully bounce towards Him. He takes my hand and leads me right into the stream of water. As I throw my head back and drink deeply of the clear, pure water, I am invigorated with it's freshness. My Love is watching me with the most adoring look I have ever seen. As the water pounds on my head and cascades down my whole body, I burst out laughing. Why did I ever doubt His love? Why did I ever doubt that He would give me more than I could dream of? He is so good! He is the epitome of love. He is love. As our eyes meet, a mischievous grin spreads across His face and He takes my hand and starts dancing. We spin and twirl, leap and laugh. After what must have been hours of this, we sat down on a boulder and I just enjoyed snuggling next to Him. He pointed to the base of the waterfall and said, “Look over there, my darling. See the rainbow? That is a sign of my love for you. I will always provide for you, I will always fill you. I long for us to have this much fun every day.” I stare at the rainbow, with it's majestic colors sparkling. “If you try to do things on your own, you will fail. But together, we will bring my love, my River to the desert places. It's gonna be done by you resting in Me, letting yourself by held by Me – just like you're doing right now.” I am filled with the knowledge of just how much He loves me. I am His. He will provide for me. He will change the desert. I don't have to try to make something happen, all I've gotta do is let myself be held in His embrace. And that is the sweetest place!