Monday, March 16, 2009

My Adventures - Mozambique Mission Trip 2009

My 2 weeks in Mozambique was such an experience, definitely life-changing. Two weeks is such a short time, yet for me they felt like a couple months because we were kept so busy. (Although, having said that, I felt that 2 weeks was WAY to short) So many things happened in that short time period and many lives that were touched (including mine). I've come back different than I was when I left. I will try to share all that I experienced and what God is doing in me, yet my heart is so full that I hardly know where to begin or how to express into words what I'm feeling.
I've gotta start off by thanking my Love, my God, for taking me on this adventure. I know that if it wasn't for Him, I wouldn't have gone on such a journey. (well never mind the journey, if it wasn't for Him, I wouldn't be here period!) And this journey isn't ending, no way! Quite the opposite, I feel it is just beginning. It is only because of His pouring into me that I have been able to then, in turn, pour out His love into others. Even a year ago, I didn't seriously think I would be going to Africa. I went on a 2 week mission trip to Mexico, and I figured that was enough traveling for me. Sure, I had a good time there, but I realized that people were people and you would find much the same things wherever you went - we all have insecurities about something, we all need to eat and sleep, work and have fun, learn how to have healthy relationships, and choose whether we will serve God or not. So I figured as I was on the way home from Mexico in 2007 that I really didn't need to do that much more traveling - it's all the same wherever you go, right? Wrong. Yeah, that's partially true that things are somewhat the same wherever you go, but one can grow and learn so much from traveling to other countries and cultures - perhaps more than you would if you stay in your 'comfort zone' and (for me, anyway) once God has shown you His heart, you can't help but want to spread the good news of His love. Over a period of time, God began to work on my heart about going overseas, and slowly but surely (like the turtle in the race) I began to be excited about traveling. The next question was, where would I travel? I spent hours online looking at different christian places and ministries I could go to all over the world, but nothing seemed to be resonating with my spirit, I didn't feel at peace about anything. I was kinda frustrated because now I wanted to travel, but nothing seemed to be right. Isn't it funny how when we feel like doing something, suddenly we think that it should happen right NOW!! Like waiting a while will hurt us! God knows when the perfect time is and He is saying, "Just trust me. I know where I am taking you and if you simply rest in my arms and let me carry you there, it'll be so much easier and enjoyable for you."
I was talking to a friend at church about it and she told me (I believe prophetically) that something would be coming up and I would just know that I should go, and I would feel at peace about going. So I thought, "Great, ok! So I still have no idea when I'm going or where, I just have to search some more until I find the right place." *Sigh* We humans, when will we get it? God is so patient with us, His love and grace never runs out! Shortly thereafter, I got an email (from a church that I've been connected with) saying that they were going on a mission trip to Mozambique, would I like to come? I just figured, "Hey, why not. Mozambique? Hmmm...never thought about going there, but sure! ok! I'll apply and see how far I get." So, one step at a time, I eventually had the plane ticket to go! That's when it became reality to me, I think, that I was actually going!! Then I started to get excited about traveling. Usually, I like to plan ahead and know exactly what's going to happen, where exactly we'll be going, etc. but on this trip, God was teaching me to surrender the need to know these things and just simply trust Him. And, honestly, I think that's the best place to be, because when we think we know what's going to happen, how it will happen, and when it will happen - that really is just an illusion of control. In all reality, none of us are in control over our future. So, the sooner we can realize that and surrender our need to have an illusion of control, I think the sooner God is able to finally do the beautiful work in us - unhindered. ( I'm not saying in any way that I have it all perfected, heavens no!! I am a work in progress and I am simply stating what I have observed.) God really blessed me, from the very beginning of the trip to the end, and even while I was on the plane down to Africa I was completely at peace and rest in God. I am so very glad that God lead me to go on this trip to Africa. This is just one of the many steps to come, I believe, and on this particular step, God really drew me closer to Him and gave me the priveledge of hearing His heartbeat.
In the upcoming posts, I shall try to describe what I experienced and what He showed me.

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