Wednesday, November 17, 2010

$100 and a Roadtrip to California

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that God was asking you to do something, but it seemed completely ludicrous...there was no possible way that it should happen? Well...that was my situation a month ago. I had $100 and I felt that God was leading me to go to California. Now, does that not seem like pure craziness to you? It sure did to me!! I mean, I could buy a cheap winter coat or an expensive pair of jeans....or go on a roadtrip to California?!? This just didn't add up to me. I, for the longest time tried to convince God that I needed to fly to California..I mean, that'd just be more cost-efficient, no? Maybe He should lead me to go to the airport and then someone would give me a ticket! Or better yet, I'd just be translated there! But, “No” God had said. “Roadtrip.” Now, that word is another thing I had a problem with, and I wasn't particularly fond of it. Every other roadtrip I'd taken, the driving had been the worst part. But, I think God wanted me to actually enjoy the journey this one Harley Davidson slogan goes “It's not about the destination, it's the journey”...well, that was sorta true in this case. California is quite a good destination! may now be asking, “What's in California?” There was a reunion from all the Harvest/Holy Given Schools, being held in conjunction with a conference. Though I was going for that, I think of greater importance were the friends that I was able to visit, and the people I met along the way. (not to mention the ways that I was grown in my journey.)
I knew I had heard God, and He had spoken to me more than once about trusting Him...and not being afraid to step out. So, I stepped into my car and began my adventure south..fueled by faith and hence, what felt like pure foolishness. I questioned, for the first 5 hours of my drive, whether I was completely crazy or whether I really had heard God. (Sometimes, I think that both can appear the same to the natural eye - and mind!) But after those first grueling hours, God spoke really clearly to me, that I was right where He wanted me to be, and this is where He wanted me to go. So, after that moment, it was pure faith that kept me movin'.
The roadtrip ended up being fun...I quite enjoyed the scenery, and had alot of amazing times with God. And He provided, like He promised He would....whether it was my gas lasting longer than it should've, people giving to me as they felt led, or 'random' circumstances that opened doors. There were lots of supernatural experiences which would be considered impossible in human efforts. A ring – which was given to me by a close friend - got lost along the way, and God miraculously gave it back to me. Alot of personal growth happened, once again, on this trip. I'm beginning to see how growth is something that will continue to happen (at least, I pray so) for the remainder of my time here on earth. God brings up issues, wounds, or weaknesses that He wants to remove, heal, or strengthen in us. And when we surrender to Him, and allow Him to do so, we are grown. Sure, the process is often painful and even sometimes downright ugly....but one comforting thought for me is that I'm being refined like the dross is brought to the surface so it can be removed to create a pure gold. Or like the blacksmith will heat it up in the fire until he can see His reflection in the precious medal, so our Lord allows the testings of this life to purify us till He sees His reflection in our lives. The process is so painful, no? But ooooh, so worth it! He is worth every growing pain along the way!