Have you ever noticed that we humans seem to never be satisfied? In this particular blog, I'm referring to weather. Either it's too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry, the winter's been too long and the summer's been too short. I wonder what just being thankful for what we have right now would do for us?
Usually by this time of the year, we've had enough with winter and just want spring to come; and then the clouds roll in and we get another dump of snow. Suddenly, it looks like winter will never end - seems to be all it takes to make our day dreary. (This is referring to the general population of people - this probably doesn't apply to you if you are avidly involved in winter sports) We start chatting at work about how 'ugly' the weather is outside and how we wish that it would stop snowing. However, earlier this week, when it was snowing, it was a little different for me (as I know that I will be going to a very hot climate in a few days). Suddenly, knowing that you may not see the beautiful sight of gently falling snowflakes till next year (or the year after that) puts it in a whole new perspective! The snow became really beautiful to me, I found myself even marveling at the color of the snow. Then I noticed how the snowflakes were sticking to my scarf, and how each of them were so beautiful. I found it amusing that what so many of us label as "ugly" is actually, amazingly beautiful.
We are often so consumed in our busy schedules, that we don't stop to enjoy the beauty that is right before us. Take time to consider how privileged we, as Canadians, are. We get to have 4 seasons in our year (some places in the world only get 2), we see and experience snow (alot of people don't even have that opportunity) and the winter sports that go with it (what would a sleigh ride be without the snow?), we get a beautiful, sensational spring (and because of our long winters, it's even more appreciated), sure, I'll admit, our summers are short, but at least we usually get to enjoy some warmth and color in our year (Imagine what it would be like to live at the North Pole!!), plus we also get the gorgeous display of color in the autumn (reminding us how dying to our self - choosing not to live with selfish motives and intentions, but instead putting others before us and living a self-less life - is a beautiful thing)
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