I am convinced that God longs for us to cry out for Him to come...that we're so IN LOVE with Him that we desire for the heavens to be opened...and that we desire His return. Where is the generation that will say, “Come Lord Jesus...NOW!! Not after I grow up, or after I expereince relationships, or after I get married, or after I have children, or grandchildren, or get a bigger house, or go here or there....NOW! I don't want what my flesh wants..I WANT YOU!!” Who will be the generation to say that?
Oh God!!! I long to long for You! To be so madly in LOVE with You that I am willing to go through anything, that Your will would be done. That I wouldn't care about the cost. But my passion and love for You would be so great that my gaze is set on you, like dove's eyes, and only want YOU!! That I would be so laid-down....that I would say..COME!! COME NOW!! It seems every generation comes along and says, “Oh Jesus...we want You to come....well, after I do this or that....” And then once they get to be a senior, and they've done 'this and that' (and then some)...they realize it's not everything they thought it would be....and then they cry out for His return. Why? Am I gonna settle to do what I want first and then ask for God's will to be done? Or am I gonna be willing to lay down my desires, my wishes and goals, and say, “Lord..not as I will, but as You will. Let it be done unto me, your servant, according to YOUR WILL.” Can I put my selfishness at His feet and instead crave His will? Yes...but in His strength. For it's not in myself, but IN HIM!
I truly believe that the generation that comes to this realization (of how God longs for us to crave His plans so much that our selfish desires have no room to breathe) will reap a great reward. Sure, they may not experience as much as they would have liked to here on earth. But really, we are gonna have SOOOO much better stuff in Heaven. It's such a lie of the enemy that we're missing out if we don't experience some of the tantalizing things here on earth...good things that God created...But they can be a distraction if we allow ourselves to focus on them instead of on HIM. If we are willing to lay EVERYTHING down, I believe that God will reveal to us mysteries of His kingdom...and a door will be opened to us because of our selfless-ness. We will receive a rich reward in eternity. Really, if we could only grasp this concept! Oh! How different we would live our lives!!! Ooooh! I SOOO desire that our eyes would be opened to God's heart! GOD!!! Open our eyes that we may see...mature us that we could be entrusted with the glorious riches of eternity..the mysteries of Your heart!!! Put YOUR passion in us! Plant in us the desire to KNOW You!!! To just sit at Your feet and gaze upon You!!!!!!